Sites I Like


My current journey in Magic began with LoadingReadyRun.  Magic content makes up a small percentage of their impressive output over the years (including eleven years of weekly sketch comedy, over half a dozen other comedy shows that have had shorter runs, two weekly short comedy videos, and a whole heck of a lot of streaming), but their Magic streams, Tap Tap Concede podcast, and Friday Nights comedy videos are all delights.  Their Pre-Prereleases for Shadows Over Innistrad block have been wonderful events.

Hipsters of the Coast

A lovely array of writers teaming up to assemble an impressive weekly output, covering Magic lore, finance, most of the major formats, and commentary on the vital social aspects of the game and its community.

Tolarian Community College

I get a kick out of the academic humor of the Professor (his Office Hours sketches with major Magic characters are a hoot), but the earnestness of his love of Magic and its community in some of the more editorial videos he does puts the site over the top.

Strictly Better MTG

SBMtG pumps out deck techs at an impressive clip, and while I haven’t stayed up on Dev’s decks in recent months, he holds a special place in my heart.  My first standard deck after coming back to the game was based on one of his techs.

MTG Goldfish

MTGGoldfish’s Budget Magic and Against the Odds series are among my favorite Magic content series around.  SaffronOlive is a talented brewer, and whether he’s doing a funky build-around or presenting a playable deck for a fraction of a normal Standard or Modern deck’s cost, it’s a treat to check out his work.